– Justitia Training Center recently held an international arbitration training in Indonesia in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Arbitration (CIArb) Indonesian Chapter. The training, which was held on Monday and Tuesday, February 25-26, 2025, at Le Méridien Hotel Jakarta, Central Jakarta, was attended by 40 participants from various government institutions and large companies in Indonesia.
This international arbitration training was attended by two speakers who are world-renowned arbitrators, namely Mary BL Thomson, who is a Chartered Arbitrator, Mediator & Adjudicator Barrister Pacific Chambers, former Solicitor Associate Member, and 36 Stone Chambers London & Singapore, and Karen Mills, J.D., F.C.I.Arb, F.C.I.Arb., F.HKI Arb., F.S.I.Arb., who is a Chartered Arbitrator, one of the leading arbitrators in Asia according to all published publications and surveys, and has handled various arbitration cases in various countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the USA, among others.
The training was also attended by Andriansyah Tiawarman K, S.H., M.H., CCD, CMLC, C.Med., as President Director of Justitia Training Center, Dhea Yulia Maharani, S.H., M.H., CCD, C.Med., as Director of Training and Certification of the Justitia Training Center, as well as several international arbitration practitioners such as Ilman Rakhmat, S.H., LL.M., FCIArb, Windri Marieta, FCIArb, John Lumbantobing, FCIArb, Simon Barrie Adiwidagdo FCIArb, Suar Sanubari, S.H., LL.M., MCIArb, and Albertus Aldio Primadi, S.H., LL.M., MCIArb.
Dhea, who also the Event Coordinator, reported that the participants were very enthusiastic to participate in the international arbitration training.
“Justitia opened 40 seats for this event and received 40 participants who registered from different institutions. There are 6 participants who registered from Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia, there are 11 participants who registered from various state companies such as Garuda Indonesia, Hutama Karya, Antam and so on, and there are also 14 participants who registered from various law firms and the rest from universities, legal aid and private companies. To be honest ladies and gentlemen, there are actually many more participants who want to register, but the place for this event is full and we recommend to register in other events organized by CIArb Indonesia Chapter and Justitia Training Center,” she said.
In this international arbitration training, Ilman Rakhmat and Windri Marieta who are co-chairs of the CIArb Indonesian Chapter, have opened the training with enthusiasm and explained the training sequence in detail, including the online assessment that must be completed by each participant.
“Please use this opportunity. It’s not every year that we have the approval from the headquarter to conduct an entry course, so this is very valuable”. Moreover, Ilman expressed his gratitude to Justitia Training Center to welcome this collaboration, “Thank you so much for participating in this course. And we would also like to extend our gratitude to Justicia Training for the collaboration, a very professional cooperation, and we look forward to having more opportunities of collaborating in the future. Thank you,” said Ilman, followed with the explanation by Windri of the procedure for online assessment.
“Once you take the assessment and you pass, there will be an announcement in your email confirming your successful passing of the assessment, and afterwards you can then, after successful completion, you are then eligible to apply for the associate grade membership,” she continued.
In her speech, Karen Mills also shared her experience as an arbitrator and opened this international arbitration training with hope:
“I just want to welcome you all and I hope you enjoy and get a lot out of this course. As you probably know, the Chartered Institute is the first and only institute in the world that provides qualifications and certifications for arbitrators, and every arbitrator who acts as an arbitrator in most arbitrations around the world, you will see that they are members of the Chartered Institute. So I hope all of you will try to upgrade to become members. I hope you all do well in this course because this course is the foundation, the basic information and the foundation that you need to move up to become an arbitrator.”
Karen Mills has been an arbitrator for more than 20 years, she also said that arbitration, is the thing that she likes and enjoy the most, also the best thing that she does. Karen hopes that all other participants will have the same thought and become an expert arbitrator.
On the other hand, Mary Thomson also explained the introduction to arbitration, saying that the purpose of this training is to introduce the general principles of international arbitration and its relationship with other forms of dispute resolution. In her opinion, arbitration is one form of dispute resolution that is often referred to as ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) or an alternative to court litigation. Mary believes that in the long run, arbitration will better serve society, and this training also aims to introduce the international arbitration framework.
“So a little bit more about the Chartered Institute. It’s an independent charitable, so not-for-profit organization consisting of members.It was incorporated in 1915, 1st of March 1915. So it’s been around for over 100 years now. And it receives its Royal Charter from the former Queen, Queen Elizabeth in 1979. So why do we say it’s a membership organization? Because it has members spread all over the world. It’s organized into branches. And then within the branches, some of the branches have chapters”, she said.
After the two-days-course, all participants received a Certificate of Attendance by CIArb and Certificate of Appreciation from Justitia Training Center.
At the end, Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., the Advisor of Justitia Training Center, shared some insights on the matter, stating, “In any case, the law is very important. Lastly, is to convince an arbitrator. And the key to winning an arbitration is you need to have a good expert. That is very important. Why is it very important? Because if you have a good expert, and they are knowledgeable on Indonesian law, not only contract law or company law, but any kind of Indonesian law, this is very good because Indonesian law can be interpreted either way. When you have a good expert, they can convince the arbitrator”.
Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana also emphasized the importance of such training for arbitrators, stating that it can enhance their skills, particularly in the international arena.
“It is my hope that this will not be the last event that Justicia Training Center will conduct on this issue, and that we will have the opportunity to address other issues as well,” he added to conclude his remarks.