Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Praktisi Hukum Perusahaan dan Hubungan Industrial Angkatan XX

10 - 13 January 2024, Zoom Meeting

0 Days
0 Hours
0 Minutes
0 seconds


The principles of company law and industrial relations really need to receive more attention, this starts from the existence of the employment relationship until at/after the end of the employment relationship. Currently, there are still many problems surrounding employment and industrial relations, this is due to the lack of understanding of regulatory aspects related to the implementation of employment relations by industrial relations actors in Indonesia.

This training will examine employment aspects. Participants will be equipped with practical knowledge of the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and their correlation with employment problems that arise. In this way, every employment problem encountered will be easy to understand and understood so that it can be resolved quickly and precisely. This training will also detail the main points of employment law that need attention, starting from when the employment relationship begins, then during the duration of the employment relationship, up to the time/after the employment relationship ends with the main reference being employment regulations that regulate rights and the obligations of the parties in the employment relationship (company and worker/labourer) as well as their relationship with SP/SB and the government in the form of Labor laws as well as implementing provisions in the form of Laws, Government Regulations, Presidential Decrees, Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Decrees/Regulations and other regulations related related.

Through this training, participants are given an understanding of employment regulations and provisions in accordance with Employment Law No. 13 of 2003, understand new solutions in Industrial Relations which are increasingly complex, especially in Industrial Relations, build a better company image in society because employees are more be calm, and establish more harmonious relations with government agencies or related institutions, and understand how to resolve labor disputes and industrial relations.


This Employment Law & Industrial Relations training aims to enable participants to:

  1. Understand aspects of employment and industrial relations.
  2. Understand the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and their correlation with employment problems that arise.
  3. Understand the basis of worker and management cooperation and the challenges of its implementation.
  4. Understand and find solutions to every existing employment problem.
  5. Understand how to form company regulations, collective work agreements and work agreements
  6. Understand the status of the employment relationship
  7. Understand the provisions on wages and provision of allowances/facilities.
  8. Understand the provisions of working hours, leave and holidays.
  9. Understand about layoffs (PHK).
  10. Understand industrial relations dispute resolution strategies.


Company Shareholders, Company Directors & Commissioners, Corporate Secretary, Legal Department, Company In-House Lawyer, Corporate Lawyer, Corporate Development Manager, Corporate Planner, Corporate Treasury, Advocate/Legal Consultant, Labor Union, Industrial Relations Practitioner, Mediator, HR Manager , Academics, etc.


Pengantar Hukum Perusahaan dan Overview UU Cipta Kerja Klater UU Perseroan Terbatas
Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Corporate Social Responsibility dalam Perusahaan
Aksi Korporasi Perusahaan dan Akibat Hukumnya bagi Tenaga Kerja
Konsep HR dalam Perusahaan
Pandangan Umum dalam praktek tentang perbandingan UU Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 ke UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2020
Kontrak dan Perikatan pada ketenagakerjaan dan Hubungan Industrial
Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)
Mekanisme Pengupahan dan Jaminan Sosial
Aspek Ketenagakerjaan dalam perspektif hukum internasional
Potensi dispute dan usaha preventifnya : Best practice penyelesaian sengketa hubungan industrial
Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial
Hukum Acara Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial
Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja
Akibat Kepailitan bagi Perusahaan dan Tenaga Kerja


Alat Tulis
Modul Pelatihan
Softcopy dan Hardcopy
Sertifikat Pelatihan
Sertifikat Kompetensi Terlisensi BNSP
Apabila direkomendasikan Kompeten
Rekaman Pembelajaran



Rp Rp4.000.000
Rp Rp3.000.000
Biaya Uji Sertifikasi
Rp Rp1.500.000

Pembayaran dilakukan via Transfer ke Rekening BCA KCP Duta Merlin No 3083898999 a/n PT Justitia Global Mandiri



Start :
10 January 2024 08:00

End :
13 January 2024 16:00

Cost :
Rp 4,000,000.00

Event Categories :

Organizers :
Justitia Training Center
Perkumpulan Profesi Praktisi Hubungan Industrial

Venue :
Zoom Meeting

Contact :

Office :
(021) 3501108

Contact Person :

Dhea : 0815 9736 977
Tyo : 0857 1188 9511
Syifa : 0811 1021 126
Eldi : 0811 1021 127
Sela : 0811 8114 922
Hadi : 0811 9942 112
Nita : 0811 9951 492 
Rian : 0813 1522 6768